Sunday 22 April 2012

Reflection Assignment 9

London has been so many things wrapped up all in one. I am so glad I took this trip and took the chance to study abroad. I think everyone should at least do it once in their life or they will be missing out on a experience to grow and become their own person. I would not change a single thing about this trip.
I did not imagine that there would be so many things that I wanted to do or would find fascinating in just this area alone. There is so much history and culture surrounding London that its not shocking for people to spend years just trying to do everything here. I have to say that my favorite part about London is the parks. Every one has a unique feeling to them and when it is sunny and not cold everyone goes and enjoys the wonderful green space that the city of London has so graciously provided in the concrete jungle.
Coming to London has helped me see who I want to be in the future. To be this strong individual who can navigate any city, no matter the language. To not be afraid to go anywhere, to just hop on a train and go without a second thought. My shyness to approach people about directions even if there is a language barrier has completely dissolved and I absolutely love it. There is no need to be afraid of the world around you, it is time that we all embrace it and not fear what we don't know.
Another positive experience is seeing how relationships fair with thousands of miles in between. How well situations can be handled by both people is a good way to open your eyes to what is truly happening.
I also have made friends here that I would have never had the opportunity to make at home. The strong people that I have made bonds with over hours and hours on buses and days in different countries has helped me become closer to people but also to these certain individuals.
This London experience has changed my life dramatically, I will never forget this trip at all for the rest of my life. However, I do plan on continuing my travels and have the chance to compare London to so many other places. There will always be a small part of me in London. I can't wait to be able to share this place with someone I love. To show them the pavements that I have walked over and over, the places I go on a regular basis. The transportation system, or the tube is something that I now have no problem with and can admit when I am lost with a smile instead of embarrassment. All the things that I found to be a little intimidating that no longer even affect me. If it wasn't for the trip I would not get closer to the idea of who I am. All I can say is, Thank you London.

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